production: Bar jeder Hoffnung happy facesmad faces Dorothéeproduction: fangen gegangen Nickclosing of Atelier No. 5, Dec. 10th 2015 production: enter tame merandom pictures from the training / open classes Melanierandom production pictures drawingsHanna iconic imagesJohanna ShahabNicolas blury imagesTiziana production: alle seine MondeLetizia Heleenopen class Feb. 4th 2016 JoanaJudith Topicovered faces ZuzanaRoberta GwenMattis image galleries Juliaproduction: rawmantics DanielSimon GáspárKirstine Danielartwork Anaïsopen class March 3rd 2016 production: Clan DestinMartyna LisiGaia OliverMartina DanielaMarcel FernandoCornelia nakednessgroup images production: GLÜCKMattes solo imagesopen classes early 2019 open class Sept. 3rd 2015production: horizontal Damien