from current & former participants of Atelier des Mimes ...
“ My experience at Atelier des Mimes had a profound effect on me as a performer. I opened up, let go, and dug deep, finding a new inner strength and a dedication to play and improvisation. Oliver’s rigorous training is imprinted in my body- I carry it gratefully with me into every performance I make! ”
Lisi Stoessel (US) • • images
“ Oliver Pollak ist derjenige, bei dessen Unterricht ich bis jetzt am meisten für meine Bühnenarbeit gelernt habe.
Er lehrt eine (Körper-)Haltung und eine mentale Bereitschaft, auf die man sich nicht nur auf der Bühne, sondern im ganzen Leben verlassen kann. Er führt die Teilnehmenden an präziseste technische Leistungen heran und motiviert sie beim Training, in jeder Sekunde 100% zu geben.
Innerhalb von nur wenigen Wochen lernt man das Bewegungsrepertoire und die Rhythmik der Mime Corporel kennen. Umgesetzt werden diese in unzähligen fantasievollen, einzigartigen Improvisationen. Und spätestens hier wird aus der Technik Kunst. Oder Philosophie. Oder Wahnsinn. Entscheide selbst.
Ein Workshop mit Oliver Pollak kann dich aus der Komfortzone bringen, dich vor Spiegel und Abgründe stellen, aber nur dabei lernst du vor dir selbst und deinem Publikum gerade zu stehen.
Danke für die gute Zeit und den großen Brocken Selbstbewusstsein, den du mir und vielen anderen mitgegeben hast! ”
Melanie Möhrl (AT) • images
“ Doing the atelier is entering the wild world of Oliver, which is the world of mime. You will walk on clouds, fly among mighty eagles, pass the Eiffel Tower, catch rabbits, touch snails antenas, lift tetra packs and open your eyes wider than you ever had! This might sounds crazy. Relax. Because it is. With Oliver I learned to be crazy, to be precise, to imagine, to let my body feel, see and learn, with Oliver I learned to be curious, to look for the essence of movement and for its poetry. With Oliver I spent a month and a half in a beautiful studio, in a magnificient city with an awesome teacher. Strings were attached, and they pull me gently every now and then toward the east. If you are not sure, if you doubt, if you don't know, if you're looking for something new, if you want to begin, if you want to start again, if you want to improve, if you want to learn a technique or if you want to improvise, do it, just do it and thank him afterwards. ”
Jules Poulain-Plissonneau (FR) • images
“ If you haven't met Oliver yet, go and meet him right now! Move, sweat, grow, melt, breathe, fall up and down, transform, open your eyes, let beauty take over. It will open your heart and mind and body and soul. ”
Clara Isenmann (DE) •
“ Oliver Pollak ... he's the one who married me to the Dramatic Corporal Mime. I can not imagine my life without. I think more of him than my mother. It's terrible, do not repeat it to my mom! This guy changed my life! From now on, on my bike push me wings, my legs are of fire. The loaded backpack became much lighter. My sight is sharpened. From Berlin Kreuzberg, I can clearly see the penguins walking on the pack ice at the South Pole. I grew up, at 35 years young, i took at least 10 centimeters more. My body now speaks well more and writes poetry. It allowed me to access much deeper inner worlds. On stage, the mime follows me at every step, with each breath. He is passionate, incredibly powerful and talented. Etienne Decroux for sure would have loved to see him at work. He is also a wonderful pedagogue. The workshops shape the body and teach it to "talk" with amusing and poetic terms, games and improvisations. His workshops are intense and liberating. Artistically, it's a very full toolbox that he offers you. Do not wait to meet him. Oliver, ich liebe dich! ”
Nicolas Célestin Bregović (FR) • images
“ Faire la connaissance de l'Atelier des Mimes d'Oliver, m'a permis d'évoluer en tant que comédienne sur la présence et le mouvement scénique. J'y ai trouvé des groupes, ou une constélation de personnes bienveillantes et donc sécurisante avec lesquels jouer et apprendre. Beaucoup d'heures de transpiration, de rires et de dépassements, où je repousse régulièrement les limites de ce que je pense pouvoir faire.
C'est un cheminement de l'intelligence du corps: du travail corporel en conscience entre relaxation, tension, respiration, mobilisation musculaire et articulaire. L'enseignant vous y parle en des termes à apprivoiser comme "Mousse au Chocolat" ; "Pelvis water" ; "Oil"; "Négative space"; "Einschlafgrübchen" et autres surprises. J'ai plaisir à y découvrir des procéssus de recherche de qualités de mouvements, en ayant la possibilité d'une recherche individuelle.
Découvrir, Transpirer, Respirer avec le publics, Sourire: A continuer! ”
“ Go to Oliver's Atelier des Mimes, help me to evolve as comedian on the presence and movement on stage. I found groups, or a constellation of caring people to play with and learn from. Many hours of sweating, laughter and overtaking, where I regularly push the limits of what I think I can do.
It is a journey with body's inteligence: body work in awareness between relaxation, tension, breath, muscular and articular mobilization. The teacher talks to you in terms to tame like "Chocolate Mousse"; "Pelvis water"; "Oil"; "Négative space"; "Einschlafgrübchen" and other surprises. I enjoy discovering processes of searching for movement qualities, with the possibility of an individual search.
Discover, Sweat, Breathe with the audience, Smile: To continue! ”
Anaïs Caillaud (FR) • images • drawings of mime-class by Anaïs
“ He participado en tres talleres intensivos con Oliver. Después de años buscando un método para ser realmente consciente de las posibilidades de movimiento de mi cuerpo, ésta técnica 'me encontró'. He bailado durante años, me encanta bailar. Lo que no esperaba de este curso y de su forma de enseñar era que me abriera muchas más puertas a la expresión corporal de lo que ya hizo la danza. Hay más, y lo he descubierto con Oliver. Mi forma de bailar se volvió más rica y definida después de cada taller.
Además de la calidad en el baile, también la calidad de mis movimientos en la vida diaria cambió. Caminar por la calle, cocinar o incluso recoger algo del suelo se disfrutaban más durante y al terminar cada curso. Nunca antes había sido tan consciente de mi cuerpo y de sus posibilidades de movimiento, ni siquiera con la danza. Y aún dura. Hace dos años que terminé el último taller y mi cuerpo se acuerda y, creo, que así seguirá.
Pero el aprendizaje más preciado de todos ha sido aprender con un estilo de enseñanza que no sólo se aplica al teatro físico, sino también en los retos de la vida de todos los días. Por esto y por todo lo demás, siempre me sentiré tremendamente agradecida. Gracias, Oliver Pollak. ”
“ I've participated in three intense ateliers with Oliver. After years of looking for a training to become truly aware of the possibilities of expression of my body, 'this' found me. I've danced many years, I love dancing. What I didn't know was that his technique and own approach would open further more doors to the body expression that dance had done already. There is more, and I discovered it with Oliver. My dance performing became richer and more defined after every atelier.
Furthermore, not only the quality of my dance, but the quality of my day-to-day life movement changed as well. Walking in the street, cooking or even picking a thing from the floor became enjoyable during and after each workshop. I have never been this conscious about my body possibilities before, not even through dance. And it lasts still. It's been two years since the last workshop and my body keeps record and, I believe, it will stay forever.
But the most precious learning of all has been having the pleasure of participating in a way of teaching that not only applies into the realms of physical theatre but in the real life challenges too. For all this and more, I will always feel tremendously grateful. Thank you, Oliver Pollak. ”
Verónica Terriente Garcia (ES)
“ Oliver Pollak was my teacher for the period of 4 consecutive semesters in Atelier des Mimes during his first 4 Ateliers. His deep knowledge of the Decroux´mime-technic and his continuous will to teach this from him so beloved technic is outstanding and a gift for every stage performer, although in my eyes it is for small fee, which is much more less than it is worth for the individual strong developement of each participitient. If my time would it allow me to follow up, you could find me in his class, just for refreshing the movability of my main instrument on stage. Thank you Oliver and may the art bless you with large groups of students to keep this astonishing and fundamental technique alive. ”
Mattes Weißbach (DE) • • images
“ ‘This is not a movement class, this is a statement class!’ shouts Oliver. He will confront your physical - emotional - mental limits... and then BOOOOOOOOOOM... you have no choice but to start.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! ”
Letizia Airoldi (ES) • images
“ Ich hab viel gelernt bei dir, danke. Du bist ein freaky dude und machst die Welt zu einem spannenderen Fleck zum Leben. ”
Timur (DE)