Atelier des Mimes is a training and production place, based in Berlin Germany. After having performed and taught in many locations, Atelier des Mimes was founded in fall 2013 by Oliver Pollak and is directed by him ever since. Over the span of those 5+ years, we have been teaching, collaborating, sweating, exploring, performing with well over 80 fine mime artists from more than 10 countries of all continents.
The Atelier is dedicated to a profoundly meaningful physical theatre, mime different to traditional (illusion-) pantomime. We search for the freedom non-verbal expression has to offer, we strive for emotional impact and a sensual theatre-experience, we take liberties and risks entertaining or unsettling our spectators. And yet we always recognize ourselves as humble servants to our audience. For our shows please look under ‘creation’ ->.
As training, advancing the craft and skills and exploring the realms of mime in today's world, Atelier des Mimes offers several-months long, intensive workshops, usually twice a year. With time Atelier des Mimes has been well established as a training space in Berlin, part of our teachings is konglomerata, a weekly open class open for all. For the next workshop, have a look at ‘formation’ ->.
One cornerstone of our endeavor is the fabulous world of corporeal mime (aka Etienne-Decroux-Technique), which can serve as an autonomous art from as well as a very in-depth basic training for other performing arts. The other is our imagination, intuition and impulsivity, which has lead to our own set of methods, games, approaches and ideas, which we call mimactiv.