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for any questions relating to corporeal mime (theory or practice) feel free to contact me, Oliver Pollak.


information on corporeal mime

logo_mcbMimecentrum Berlin

THE research place for mimes in Berlin. The Mimecentrum offers a vast video- and mediathek on mime, danse and physical theater.
Also the Mimecentrum offers a daily movement-training (Mon-Fri, 9:30 - 11:00, €7 / €18 for 5 times in a row). Oliver teaches this sometimes.


has some information on corporeal mime and Etienne Decroux.


with me on corporeal mime can be found here (in English) and here (in German).

www - Text

here on is a short excerpt on Etienne Decroux (in German) and here on some information on corporeal mime (also in German).
here you'll find a glossary on terms used in our Atelier, many of them mime corporel terms. For insiders only. And for now in German only.


book_WordsOnMimemost notably there is Etienne Decroux writing himself about his artform in ‘Paroles sur le Mime’, engl: ‘Words on Mime’.
The ‘Mime Journal’ publishes some excellent articles on Decroux and corporeal mime.
Marie-Luise Anger's ‘Geometrie der Bewegung’ offers a kind of dictionary into the terminology of corporeal mime (in German).
Franz Anton Cramer's ‘Der unmögliche Körper’ is a quite critical, nontheless good read (in German).


find many vidoes of production of Atelier des Mimes here ->.
for example, here a 1 hour lecture on 'mime corporel' given by Oliver
here is ‘horizontal’, a 10-min solo of Oliver Pollak based upon a choreography of Etienne Decroux and in the first part adopting his style of corporeal mime.
here a German documentary on mime corporel, old-style, only showing the technical aspects, nonetheless informative.
a youtube-query on ‘mime corporel’ will reveal quite a lot of videos. Not all of them can be very representative.
also a youtube-query on ‘Etienne Decroux’ will list some videos. It has to be said though, that mime corporel has evolved quite drastically from the old times.

and on mime more broadly
An interesting article on the history of mime.

schools dedicated to corporeal mime

logo_TheatreAngeFou The ‘White Church Theatre Project’ in the USA is led by Corinne Soum and Steven Wasson. These two have been the last assistants of Etienne Decroux. Beforehand they had the ‘école de mime corporel dramatique London’, THE place in Europe to study corporeal mime intensively.



logo_MimeCenterKoelnThe ‘MimeCenter Köln’, led by Nicoletta Dahlke offers the first 3-year-full-time education in corporeal mime in Germany.



logo_MoveoIn Barcelona you have ‘Moveo’, a long-established full-time school in corporeal mime led by Stéphane Levy and Sophie Kasser.



logo_AtelierDeBellevilleIn Paris there is ‘International School of Dramatique Corporeal Mime’ led by Ivan Bacciocchi.


All the named above and me - Oliver Pollak, we all have learned from Steven Wasson and Corinne Soum, and in part have been long-time assistants of them.

members of Atelier des Mimes and former students




other fine performers, colleagues & partners

 logo_LaCaminada'la caminada Berlin'
dance studio & location of Atelier des Mimes






lispa_logoLISPA - London International School of Performing Arts






'Mimecentrum Berlin'






franco-german physical theatre exchanges





'die Etage Berlin' 
full time formation in mime/pantomime







more to come soon...    •    we take no responsability for the content of any site linked here.    •    something missing? broken link? Let us know!