Formation at Atelier des Mimes Berlin
Besides creating mime-shows, Atelier des Mimes is dedicated to training and forming physical performers. Since fall 2013, Atelier des Mimes has held 8 intensive workshops (we call them Ateliers) from 7 to 16 weeks at 16h/week. Since then, we had several dozens of students from about 10 different countries.
Atelier des Mimes is aiming at performers who want to express in a meaningful physical way, beyond simple narration and illustration, rather reveiling inner motions of a figure on stage: feelings, emotions, thoughts. The approach in getting there is a physically very demanding practice (in part 'corporeal mime' after Etienne Decroux) - giving the performer a vocabulary, that opens for new ways of expression - in conjunction with research in play, improvisation and composition - opening action on stage for a language different to mere representation, unbound to the logic of words, allowing for a profound intelligence of the body coming from deeper to reveil.
The aim is a transformation of the craftsman on stage towards presence, precision, playfulness, impulsivity and virtuosity in shape and rhythm.
The next Atelier - No. 11 - will run in autumn 2018 in Berlin.
more information nearer the time or just enquire.
• mime moves. •
Join Us
Thank you for your interest!
If you want to join, please contact us.
For an application to the next Atelier we would love some info about you, like a lettre of motivation and/or a meaningful CV.
If you have anything to show for in the world-wide-web, please provide us with some links.
Should money be an issue, give us a note anyway. We are all creatives.
The Atelier draws it's sources from 2 areas:
mime corporel dramatique - Etienne Decroux technique.
the training in this artform will encompass technique, repertoire and improvisation. more infos →
the practice: lapin, la corde, offrande - daily rituals to tune in.
the sceleton: gammes, triple designs, annelées etc. - the basic grammar
the muscles: dynamo rhythms - dynamic progression of movement - the adjectives
the heart: contrepoids - the everlasting struggle of human kind: gravity and it's implications and application - the verbs
the soul: les modes de jeux - finetuned examination on stylisation and the performer's focus therin. - the in between lines
figures, pieces et pas / marches - concrete examples from Decroux' legacy.
applying the style & technique in the own creative process.
the queen of them all. When the sublime language enters into the physical conciousness.
and mimactiv
the fundus of over 20 years of researching and teaching.
a more playful approach, giving the strict technique some punk & punch.
open class
As a tradition, Atelier des Mimes runs an open class, once a week. This class is for anyone interested in physical acting and a good to occasion to get to know us 🙂
For updates on when and where you can join, please contact us →
Previous Ateliers have been:
Atelier 1: September to December 2013 (16 weeks)
Atelier 2: February to May 2014 (16 weeks) • final performance: “Bar jeder Hoffnung”
Atelier 3: October to December 2014 (9 weeks)
Atelier 4: February to May 2015 (15 weeks) • final performance: “Clan Destin”
Atelier 5: September to December 2015 (14 weeks)
Atelier 6: February to May 2016 (16 weeks) • final performance: “enter tame me”
Atelier 7: September & October 2016 (7 weeks)
Atelier 8: April & May 2017 (6 weeks) • final production: “no strings attached” (video)
Atelier 9: Sept to Dec. 2017 (15 weeks) • final production: “rawmantics”
all at 16/h week • 4 days / week • 4h / day