Atelier des Mimes offers twice a year (spring and autumn)
a 4-month long intensive workshop
in physical theatre and corporeal mime.
The 3 spring Ateliers have each led to a theatrical performance:
“Bar jeder Hoffnung” (spring 2014), “Clan Destin” (spring 2015).
and “enter tame me” (spring 2016)
The next Atelier - Atelier No. 7 - “ pouf de l'âme ” -
will run September thru mid December 2016.
and be divided into 2 blocks:
Block 1: September 5th to October 20th 2016 (7 weeks)
- 1 week break -
Block 2: October 31st to December 15th 2016 (7 weeks)
the Atelier will be dedicated to mime corporel dramatique and be led by Oliver Pollak mainly.
The course will be held in English.
The Atelier draws it's sources from 2 areas:
mime corporel dramatique - Etienne Decroux technique.
the training in this artform will encompass technique, repertoire and improvisation. more infos →
the practice: lapin, la corde, offrande - daily rituals to tune in.
the sceleton: gammes, triple designs, annelées etc. - the basic grammar
the muscles: dynamo rhythms - dynamic progression of movement - the adjectives
the heart: contrepoids - the everlasting struggle of human kind: gravity and it's implications and application - the verbs
the soul: les modes de jeux - finetuned examination on the degree of stylisation and the performer's focus therin. - the unspeakable
figures, pieces et pas / marches - concrete examples from Decroux' legacy.
applying the style & technique in the own creative process.
the queen of them all. When the sublime language enters into the physical conciousness.
the fundus of over 20 years of teaching.
a more playful approach, giving the strict technique some punk & punch.
Block 1: September 5th to October 20th 2016 • 7 weeks • Monday thru Thursday • 9:00 - 13:00 (incl 1/2h break)
Block 2: October 31st to December 15th 2016 • 7 weeks • Monday thru Thursday • 9:00 - 13:00 (incl 1/2h break)
the 2 blocks will build upon each other but may be visited individually
€800 per 7-week block • €1400 for both blocks (14 weeks) • on application only
Integrated in Atelier and Labor is a continous workshop Tue, Wed, Thu, 9-11 as well as the traditional open class Thursdays, 9-11
September 5th to December 15th 2016 • not October 24th to 30th • 14 weeks • Tuesday thru Thursday • 9:00 - 11:00
continous programm • entry at a later state possible • minimum 3 weeks in a row
€50 per week • €600 all 14 weeks • on application only
open class
September 5th to December 15th 2016 • not October 27th • Thursdays • 9:00 - 11:00
€ 10 - € 15 • pay what you can • nice but not necessary to contact us beforehand. Just come along.
9:00 - 11:00
workshop & Atelier
workshop & Atelier
open class & workshop & Atelier
11:00 - 13:00
coffee-time 🙂