Training at Atelier des Mimes The Atelier draws it's sources from 2 areas: mime corporel dramatique - Etienne Decroux technique. the training in this artform will encompass technique, repertoire, improvisation and composition. more infos → technique the practice: lapin, la corde, offrande - daily rituals to tune in. the sceleton: gammes, triple designs, annelées etc. - the basic grammar the muscles: dynamo rhythms - dynamic progression of movement - the adjectives the heart: contrepoids - the everlasting struggle of human kind: gravity and it's implications and application - the verbs the soul: les modes de jeux - finetuned examination on the degree of stylisation and the performer's focus therin. - the unspeakable repertoire figures, pieces et pas / marches - concrete examples from Decroux' legacy. composition applying the style & technique in the own creative process. improvisation the queen of them all. When the sublime language enters into the physical conciousness. mimactiv the fundus of over 20 years of teaching. a more playful approach, giving the strict technique some punk & punch. Oliver-style.