Atelier des Mimes Berlin No. 11

Mid September to mid December 2018


Block 1:   corporeal mime intensive

Monday, September 10th   to   Friday, September 28th 2018   (3 weeks)

intensive and comprehensive studies of corporeal mime in technique, repertoire, improvisation and composition.

stage experience and physical fitness required.


Block 2:   mime and play

Monday, October 8th   to   Friday, October 26th 2018   (3 weeks)

application of mime in play

advanced only. knowledge of mime / corporeal mime / visit of Block 1 required.


Block 3:   creation

Monday, October 29th   to  ca. Sunday, December 2nd   (5 to 6 weeks)   leading to a presentation / performance

creation in mime and physical theatre.

on invitation only.



each Block:

schedule: Monday to Friday   •   roughly 09:00 to 14:00   •   min. 20h/week studio time, of which min. 16h/week taught


fee: each Block: € 600  -  € 400

while € 600 is the nominal fee, a reduction down to max € 400 per Block may be possible, depending on how many of the following apply:

• for previous participants of an Atelier
• if paid six weeks in advance (non-reimbursable)
• if all Blocks are visited
• for people taking care of a child (single-parents)
• if coming from a country with an unfortunate exchage rate
• if on a very tight financial budget
• collegues and pros.


application: please send us a CV / letter of motivation. If you have things to show for in the www, please provide us with some links to


all information provisionary and due to change. Please check nearer the time or enquire.